About Us
RIT Research Computing supplies advanced research technology resources and support to researchers in their quest to discover.
We have have regularly scheduled maintenance days once per month. For more details, check out our Maintenance page.
Citation & Acknowledgment
To help us plan for the future, we do our best to keep track of publications that leverage Research Computing services on our Publications Site. If you use our services for a publication, we ask that you please cite us in your papers. We have a DOI number that you can use:
Rochester Institute of Technology. Research Computing Services. Rochester Institute of Technology. https://doi.org/10.34788/0S3G-QD15
doi = {10.34788/0S3G-QD15},
url = {https://www.rit.edu/researchcomputing/},
author = {Rochester Institute of Technology},
title = {Research Computing Services},
publisher = {Rochester Institute of Technology},
year = {<YEAR_YOU_USED_RC>}
T1 - Research Computing Services
AU - Rochester Institute of Technology
DO - 10.34788/0S3G-QD15
UR - https://www.rit.edu/researchcomputing/
AB - RIT Research Computing supplies advanced research technology resources and support to researchers in their quest to discover.
PB - Rochester Institute of Technology
ER -
The authors acknowledge Research Computing at the Rochester Institute of Technology for providing computational resources and support that have contributed to the research results reported in this publication.
High-Performance Computing (HPC) Access
SPORC (Scheduled Processing On Research Computing) is Research Computing’s High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. An HPC cluster is a collection of connected computers coordinated to perform tasks with high efficiency. SPORC is specially made to assist researchers in expediting the process of collecting and analyzing data with its computational power. Researchers are able to submit and manage their compute jobs to Slurm, the software that manages access to cluster resources. Please see our Slurm Tutorial for more details.
For current information about our cluster resources.
For current information about SPORC and our services, please see our grant information.
SPORC is accessible via SSH (command line) or our OnDemand web portal.
Non-Cluster Compute Resources
For specialized compute workloads that do not fit within the cluster model, we have limited resources to provision virtual machines for researchers. For compute workloads that exceed the resources available on the cluster, we can help you get access to natrional cluster resources via the ACCESS program funded by the National Science Foundation.
Research Data Storage
Research Computing maintains over 10 PB of storage on a Ceph filesystem. The Research Computing Ceph storage is resilient, but researchers must backup their own data. We can help researchers identify backup services and strategies that meet their needs. By default, every researcher on the cluster is granted 1 TB of storage in their home directory. Faculty researchers can also request shared storage space for their projects/labs. Shared directory space is available starting at 1 TB; requests for additional storage are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please see our Storage Tutorial for more details, including documentation on transferring data to the cluster.
Software Support
To accommodate researchers’ workflows, we can package and install software onto the cluster, using Spack, a common open-source software packaging tool designed for HPC environments. Additionally, researchers can choose to install software in their home directories on their own to address specific needs or configurations. Please see our Software Tutorial for more details.
Our primary goal is to make accessing and using research computing resources easier for the community. We have two research computing facilitators available to help students and faculty access resources at RIT and national resources.
Our facilitators are available to onboard researchers and help them get their code to run on our cluster. They are also available for troubleshooting and looking for ways to improve researchers’ workflows.
Education & Outreach
Research Computing team members can provide guest lectures or workshops to teach how to use our resources. We will gladly work with faculty or research groups to develop content for their needs. Research Computing also maintains local documentation to help researchers find assistance on their own. Research Computing advocates for researchers to get the word out about their work and connect with possible collaborators.
Grant Proposal Assistance
The Research Computing team provides template language about Research Computing services for grant proposals. Click here for grant information. If you have further questions, we can provide consultation on ITS resources that are available and what information to include in grant proposals and data management plans.
Other Services
To facilitate collaboration on source code for research projects, Research Computing maintains a GitLab instance for researchers.
REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases for the online and offline capture of data used in research studies and operations. RIT is a member of the REDCap Consortium, with over 6,000 active partners in over 150 countries.
Note: While REDCap is designed to handle PHI/HIPAA, RIT’s instance of REDCap does not meet the requirements for storing data that falls under PHI/HIPAA.
Contact Us
Please see our Contact Information page.